Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top 10 dividend stock of 2013

Some of the best dividend paying stocks are some of the biggest names out there. When I think about stocks   that I am sure I want to invest in I think of GE General Electric, WMT Walmart, KO Coca Cola, XOM Exxon Mobil, AAPL Apple Inc, MCD Mcdonald's, MSFT Microsoft.

These are some of the strongest earning dividend stocks around. These are stocks that let me sleep at night while bring me a healthy return. I don't own all of them but I would if I could. Investing is about doing what makes you feel comfortable. It's about taking your chances and believing in yourself because you are confident in your research. When it comes to getting real returns on your investments your best bet is to go with a proven winner. Sure you can buy REIT's all day long and you will get more bang for your buck in the short term but that can be really risky especially in this current market with all the current economics we deal with. 

When I think about investing in General Electric I think about a company that has proven time and time again that it will continue to raise it's dividend and pay it's share holders. When I think about Apple I think about a company that has just started paying dividends but the future looks very bright. Some would say that perhaps they have peaked and what else can they do? Well I say I believe in a winner and a company that is an innovative as they are. 

Investing in Mcdonald's is almost a no brainer to me. They will always be making money and if their stock price goes down a little you can always just dollar cost average your way into a good position again. I really like them with their current dividend yield at 3.52% it just feels like a solid investment to me. Some people have concerns about their price increases but I know that the public is going to pay those increases because they are hooked on the product, yes I believe food is addicting. 

Looking into Walmart I see a company that makes more than a few good decisions and a company that is in it to continue to make as much money as possible their current dividend yield is 2.35% which is not the greatest out there but when you are making a portfolio it sure looks nice to have a healthy chunk of Walmart stock in there. When I am investing I am looking to have a portfolio filled with solid companies with solid earnings and continued growth. 

Intel is a company I buy from time to time and it never lets me down. Although many would have you believe that the company is falling to pieces and is too old to adapt to the current consumers needs I find myself believing in Intel to continue to find a way to dominate. They have so much money for research and development that very few other companies can compete. They currently have a 4.45% dividend yield which is beautiful and I guess we will all find out over the upcoming years how they adapt to the new world of computing. 

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